
Hello! I'm Asteropê. Thank you for visiting my blog! I'm 26 27 years old. Female. A lover of reading, writing, research, nature, learning and other such things. I am not affiliated with any group (ie House of Netjer, Neos Alexandria, etc). I like to lurk, though.

I created this blog to record my thoughts, impressions and journey as I learn more about Herakles. As far as deities (and heroes) go, Herakles was never on my radar before. Recently, though, I started to read about him and realized he was not only a fascinating figure, but pretty awesome in his own right. I decided to delve deeper into things and thought a blog to record my journey would be a nice idea. That about sums it up!

Oh and the blog title Hêrakleion means "temple of Herakles."

If you have any questions or suggestions please just ask me here.

Keywords (for search engines):
Herakles, Heracles, Hercules, Greek myth, Greek mythology, Roman myth, Roman mythology, hero worship, hero cult, Hellenic, Hellenic mythology, polytheism, Pagan, Paganism, demi-god, demi-gods, twelve labors, mythology, shrine, altar, epithets, epithet, hymn, prayer, devotion, devotional, Herakleia, Heracleia, etc